About Bill & Diane Mathis

Monday, April 12, 2010

Can Your Attitude Towards Aging Affect the Health of Those Receiving Long Term Care?

Among all of the suggestions available to caregivers for coping with the care of a loved one, some simple strategies that influence the attitude of care recipients are often neglected.  Simply put, a more positive attitude towards aging can have a profound effect on the health of a care recipient.

Many elderly buy into the notion that they themselves are no longer useful and as a result make little attempt to keep themselves healthy and active. After all, they are getting closer to the end of their lives and have no desire to try new things or to challenge themselves or to eat or exercise properly.

There is a great deal of research evidence that demonstrates older people can learn, can retain memory and can be actively involved in business and in the community. The lack of physical exercise, social involvement and mental stimulation in older Americans often leads to these people losing the ability to use their minds and their bodies. The older person's negative attitude towards aging becomes self-fulfilling.

Many studies show that older people who are physically active have less joint pain, lower blood pressure, less depression, fewer heart attacks and a lower incidence of cancer. Proper nutrition also has the same affect on the aging process; it delays the progression of debilitating illness or disability. Recent research even indicates that weight loss and exercise can reverse the severity of diabetes.

Lack of social stimulation can also lead to poor health. Having an interest in something not only stimulates an older person's mind but also creates a better mental attitude which results often in better health. There is empirical evidence that using one's brain may prevent dementia in older age.